Observed solar radio maps at 37 GHz on 04-12-2014: Max. temp: 123.61 % of QSL, time: 20141204093354 (yyyymmddhhmmss), STATUS: High activity Max. temp: 121.55 % of QSL, time: 20141204094326 (yyyymmddhhmmss), STATUS: High activity QSL at 37 GHz is 7800 K. Detected Callisto solar radio burst (50-850 MHz) on 04-12-2014: Burst index: 12.31, time: 20141204091500 + 15 min (yyyymmddhhmmss), STATUS: Small burst Big burst index (>50) indicates more probable solar radio burst than RFI. Detected solar events at 11.2 GHz on 04-12-2014: Check the flare profile: http://www.metsahovi.fi/Sunant/20141204.png