Instructions for using CONTOBS


After many years of faithful service VAX has become somewhat outdated and contobs should be run on debian. Check contobs-debian.txt for instructions.

Updated 040813 / tho

Updated 081219 / maturun

A Short instruction how to use contobs
  • open a telnet connection to blazar (telnet blazar), username is KURPITSA, ask someone the password
  • start contobs by writing after $ run contobs
  • the program asks you different settings:
  • Then you enter the parameter mode, you can choose different options:
  • Calibration parameres: when you enter the calibration mode you can D: Define new calibration settings, P: Define new position only or C calibrate with current settings. If you want to define new calibration setting, the program first asks elevation: type 30, then Azimuth: type 0, -90 or +90. Then A/D period: type 1.0, On-time: 15.0, Total time: 180.0.
    If you only want to change position (P), it asks for Elevation and Azimuth. After you have made all changes choose C, calibrate with current settings.
  • After you have given the sourcename (3), choose the offsets. You can use the panel offsets, or antcon offsets (they are better because they can be checked later, panel offsets can't). Open a new window and write telnet antcon 5555. Now you can change the offsets by typing azeloff=d.dddd,d.dddd.
  • Then move to execute mode by pressing C.
  • You can stop the observation by pressing 0. Write down the result, and with 5p observation remember to write down also the offset corrections.
  • The calibration ends itself
  • After that you can go back to parameter mode by pressing C.

  • When you want to exit contobs, press ctrl y, and then after $ write stop. It is very important to write stop after the $ sign, otherwise the information is not saved correctly.

    Last modified: Fri Dec 19 16:14:12 EET 2008