S-92.605 Post-graduate seminar on Space Technology II

Spring 1999: Space Astronomy


The seminar topics cover satellite-based space astronomy and its latest results.


Professor Seppo Urpo and docent Merja Tornikoski from the Metsähovi Radio Observatory.

Prof. Seppo Urpo
HUT / Metsähovi Radio Observatory, Kirkkonummi, tel. 09-2564417, or HUT / Dpt.of Eletronical Engineering room C118, tel. 09-4512235.
E-mail: (removed later)

Docent Merja Tornikoski
HUT / Metsähovi Radio Observatory, Kirkkonummi, tel 09-2564423,
E-mail: (removed later)
Before and after lectures: HUT / Dpt. of Electrical Engineering, room C126, tel. 09-4514788.


Each student gives two talks and writes one seminar paper (ca. 10-15 pages) about the topics of one of them. At least one of the talks must cover scientific results obtained with a satellite that is currently (or was very recently) in operation. The other talk may concentrate on more technical aspects and may introduce a satellite that is not yet in operation. The seminar paper should discuss scientific results, i.e. if one of the talks is more technically-oriented the paper should be written about the more scientifically-oriented topic. Each student is required to be present at more than 50% of the seminars

The current schedule can be found here.

Course material

A list of possible topics.
Merja Tornikoski's own web page of astronomical links, including satellites, astronomical journals on-line, astronomical databases, etc.

Latest update: 1999-02-03 / mtt.